Rules of netiquette
Using social media properly is not always easy, however. Knowing what to post, when and where, and choosing the right words, pictures or videos, is a valuable online skill — and it all needs to be guided by a good sense of “netiquette,” manners for the digital age.
Not everyone knows the rules of netiquette, so, if you do, you will be a star! Whatever social media tool you are using, here are some basic rules:
  • Use proper grammar, spelling and casing (UPPERCASE IMPLIES YELLING!).
  • Learn about copyright, and use images, videos, quotes and links properly.
  • Do not use social media to vent your anger or controversial opinions.
  • Do not badmouth others.
  • Avoid engaging in social media “fights” or arguments.
  • Respect people’s time, privacy and confidentiality (including yours); don’t share names, contact information, photos or any private details from anyone’s life.
  • Use language and images that you wouldn’t feel embarrassed to see on the front page of a newspaper; everything you post has the potential to be shared and made public.
  • Never post anything in the heat of the moment. Stop and consider the repercussions before you click “post.”